The main objectives of the support for literary translation projects are to support cultural and linguistic diversity in the Union and in other countries participating in the Culture Sub- programme and to promote the transnational circulation of high quality literary works, as well as to improve access to these literary works in the Union and beyond and to reach new audiences.
The priorities are the following:
supporting the circulation of European literature with a view to ensuring the widest possible accessibility;
supporting the promotion of European literature including the appropriate use of digital technologies in both the distribution and promotion of the works;
encourage the translation and promotion of high quality European literature in the long term.
Raising the profile of translators will be an additional priority of the support. For that reason, publishers will be required to include a biography of the translator in each translated book.
The schemes are open to cultural operators which have had a legal personality for at least 2 years on the date of the deadline for submission of applications and which are able to demonstrate their existence as a legal person. Natural persons may not apply for a grant.
Deadline Application: 04-02-2015
Further details: