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Jumpthegap Design Contest for Innovative Concepts for Bathroom Space

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, 25 Φεβρουάριος, 2015

Jumpthegap Design Contest for Innovative Concepts for Bathroom Space

Deadline: 25 February 2015
Open to: applicants from each country born after 1 January 1980 onwards
Prize: two winning prizes of EUR 4,000 each and one prize of EUR 1,000


Jumpthegap is an International Design Contest promoted by Roca with the collaboration of BCD Barcelona Design Centre that is looking for new, innovative and sustainable concepts for the bathroom space. Jumpthegap offers the opportunity to young designers or architects and design or architecture students to create and design innovative sustainable solutions for the bathroom and related products.


The contest is open to applicants from every country born from 1 January 1980 onwards. Entries may be individual or from a group of two professionals or two students. Mixed groups are not accepted.


The contest has two categories:

Young designers or architects;
Design or architecture students.

Projects must be absolutely anonymous: they cannot contain any names or personal details about the author/s, as all this information has been already provided through the registration.


There are 3 prizes:

Two winning projects will be chosen, and will receive a prize of EUR 4,000 each, one in the professional category and one in the student category, during the award ceremony in October 2015 at the Roca Madrid Gallery.
One Special Sustainability Prize will be chosen among the 30 preselected and will receive EUR 1,000.


You can participate in this contest by applying here. Please note when two people submit a group entry, both group members must complete the registration form displayed on the screen.The competing project must be submitted in:

One pdf file, containing not more than 2x A3 size pages
Maximum size of the pdf file must be 1,5Mb
The first page must include the TITLE of the project, a text with the description of the project, and the main images.
The text must not have more than 600 words, divided into three sections:

WHAT? What is the project about? For who?
HOW? Brief description (How it works, materials, …)
WHY? Why it will be relevant in the future

For more information please visit the official webpage.

Related link:


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