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MEDEA Awards 2014

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, 30 Σεπτέμβριος, 2014

The aim of the MEDEA Awards is to encourage innovation and good practice in the use of media (audio, video, graphics and animation) in education. The awards also recognise and promote excellence in the production and pedagogical design of media-rich learning resources. From 2012 to 2014, the MEDEA Awards are supported by the Lifelong Programme of the European Commission through the MEDEAnet project.

Award Categories 2014
The MEDEA Award for User-Generated Educational Media
This award honours the best entry submitted by teachers, students, learners, parents, professors, individual or organisational representatives in primary education, secondary education, higher education, adult education, vocational education and/or training.

The MEDEA Award for Professionally Produced Educational Media
This award will be awarded to the best professional educational media produced by a professional company or semi-professional production unit such as a broadcaster, professional multimedia producer or publisher, professional web design company, audiovisual or media department in larger institutions or organisations such as universities, government departments, companies, multinational institutions and organisations, etc.

The special Prize for European Collaboration in the creation of Educational Media
This award recognises excellent educational media productions and projects that come about as a result of European cross-border collaboration and recognises the impact such collaboration can have in increasing understanding and enhancing the European dimension.

The special MEDEA Jury
The judges may, at their discretion, present a special award to an approach or production in recognition of exceptional innovation in pedagogic or technical design.

Any multimedia material or programme that has been created after 1 January 2010, and for use in formal or informal education and/or training could be submitted by 30 September 2014 (midnight).

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