The Consumer Programme foresees the financing of four objectives. The second objective (Consumer information and education, and support to consumer organisations: to improve consumers’ education, information and awareness of their rights, to develop the evidence base for consumer policy and to provide support to consumer organisations, including taking into account the specific needs of vulnerable consumers), under which this call for proposals is carried out, concerns among others the implementation of the Commission Recommendation on the use of a harmonised methodology for classifying and reporting consumer complaints and enquiries in the Member States and in the countries of the European Free Trade Associations.
The specific objective of the call is to help building and improving access to the evidence base for policy-making in areas affecting consumers, with a view to designing smart and better targeted regulations, detecting market dysfunctions and changes in consumers’ needs, identifying the areas most problematic for consumers and promoting the integration of consumer interests into a broad range of EU policies. This will be achieved through harmonized data collection on consumer complaints and enquiries and its transmission through dedicated IT systems that are compatible with the abovementioned Commission Recommendation. The EU contribution targets costs of the staff, IT equipment, trainings and promotional events necessary for carrying out this activity.
Closing date for submission: 21 September 2014
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