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EAEA Grundtvig Award 2014 for Adult Learning

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, 7 Σεπτέμβριος, 2014


The EAEA Grundtvig Award was launched in 2003 by European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) in order to recognise and celebrate excellence in adult education. The Award is given to an organisation who present the best project in adult learning. In 2014, EAEA is looking for projects with the theme Remembering World War I for the Future – Adult Education promoting peace and cohesion in Europe. Year 2014 marks the 100th anniversary of World War I – a war fuelled by xenophobia and economic turmoil. At a moment when the future and values of a united Europe again face unprecedented challenges, it is a good time to embrace peace and reflect on the past, the present and the future. The organizers believe that adult education is a tool for creating opportunities for mutual learning, reflection and dialogue to promote peace and cohesion in Europe.


The excellent adult education and learning projects are awarded in two categories:

1. World War I remembrance initiatives - focused on local history during World War I, as well as reflections on the current situation in Europe and beyond, especially tied to the dangers of nationalism and xenophobia. A transnational partnership for the initiative is welcomed but not necessary.
2. Adult education projects that promote peace and conflict resolution – also welcome projects from Europe and outside of Europe that draw lessons from war, civil war or armed conflicts using these cases as a tool to promote peace and conflict resolution through adult learning and education.


The best initiatives will be invited to and showcased at the EAEA Grundtvig Award Ceremony during the conference in Sarajevo, 12-14 November 2014 and key slot in the EAEA Grundtvig Award publication that will be distributed in EAEA’s events and networks.
In addition, the winners and also all participants gain:
•The certificate of attendance;
•International visibility of the project in EAEA’s social media channels and EAEA website;
•Appearance in EAEA’s press-release publications that will be distributed in EAEA’s events and networks.


You can apply with your initiative using the following link, where you describe your initiative and explain its impact. You can also upload some materials – pictures, videos, podcasts etc.

Deadline for submissions: 7 September 2014

For further information and to apply:


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