Geothermal energy is a dynamic and flexible source of renewable energy, which is recognised as being a pivotal contributor to Europe's current and future energy mix. It is recognized as an important area with significant potential for renewable electricity production and is being further supported under the current Framework Programme (FP7).
In some regions of Europe geothermal power plants already contribute substantially to an environmentally friendly and sustainable energy supply, using existing technologies exploiting steam and hot water reservoirs. This is done mainly in Italy, the Azores and other islands of volcanic origin in Europe including such as Iceland. In South-Eastern Europe, Turkey and the Caucasian region also have huge, yet unexploited reservoirs available that may contribute to a sustainable energy supply.
The congress will highlight all areas of geothermal energy use, from very shallow systems to deep drillings and high-enthalpy fields. An exhibition for geothermal equipment, services, etc. will be held in parallel with the congress.
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