The Conference aims to involve scientists, researchers and policy makers, whose activities are focused on different aspects of climate change, its impacts and related policies.
The Call for Papers is now open: we invite you to submit papers on the following topics by May 30, 2014:
- Advances in Climate Science
- Impacts on ecosystem services and on cultural heritage
- Mitigation
- Hydrological risk
- Food security
- Human health
- Adaptation
A short paper (maximum 3,000 words) should be submitted online in its final version, in English, no later than May 30, 2014. Authors are requested to choose the type of presentation (oral presentation or poster) and to follow the instructions given in the Call for Papers. During the Conference, authors under 40 will be awarded for a paper that, among all the works presented, will be deemed particularly worthy in the opinion of the Scientific Committee.
Further information: