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Call for Ideas in Digital Social Innovation

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, 30 Απρίλιος, 2014

The CHEST European research project launched the Open Call for Ideas. Winning proposals, exploring the feasibility of a new ICT based idea in the field of Social Innovation, will be awarded 6.000 € each.

CHEST is an R&D project funded under FP7, aiming at promoting the development of ICT based innovations that have the potential to address key societal challenges.
CHEST announces the official launch of the CHEST Competitions, an initiative born to finance young people, small and medium enterprises, associations and NPOs on ideas proposing ICT based solutions with the potential to address key social innovation issues. Participants will be awarded from €6.000 for the first 30 best innovative ideas proposed by students and young researchers up to €150.000 for companies and start-up enterprises.

In this first Call for Ideas, winning proposals, exploring the feasibility of a new ICT based idea in the field of Social Innovation, will be awarded 6.000 € each.

Categories include civic empowerment and community engagement, economic empowerment and prosperity, environment and sustainability, education, health and demographic change, social inclusion and human rights.

Deadline: 30/04/2014

Further information:


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