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ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, 30 Απρίλιος, 2014


The International ReSource Award for Sustainable Watershed Management is an internationally recognised prize acknowledging leadership in the implementation of the principles of sustainability in watershed management. The award is a result of Swiss Re Foundation’s commitment to water protection projects in the face of a grave need for sustainable access to clean water supplies in developing and emerging countries.

The ReSource Award acknowledges initiatives which are dedicated to raising public awareness of the ecological, social and economic significance of water sources and watersheds in developing and emerging countries. Entries should aim to ensure that water will remain a readily available, clean resource in the future. Prize money is awarded strictly for project implementation activities.


NGOs, private, scientific or public institutions and similar bodies are invited to participate in the tender for the ReSource Award. Projects involving more than one institution (e.g. public-private partnerships) are also eligible for the award. Bodies with strong links to the local communities of regions where water sources are located are particularly encouraged to participate. However, participants may not submit more than one project each year. In order to qualify, participants are asked to provide a proven track record in sustainability and project planning and/or management in the specific field of water and source management.

Deadline: 30/04/2014

Further information:


Επαγγελματική Συμβουλευτική

Συγγραφή Βιογραφικού
Σύνταξη Επιχειρηματικού Σχεδίου

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