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Making space for new satellites with the help of solar sails

Abandoned decommissioned satellites and upper stages of multi-stage rockets are a growing threat to in-service spacecraft. EU-funded scientists are developing a mini solar sail for drag deorbiting to solve the problem.

Uncontrolled growth of orbiting space debris poses an increasing risk to present and future space missions. EU-funded scientists working on the project 'De-orbiting of satellites using solar sails' (DEORBIT SAIL) are providing a low-cost and effective deorbiting solution.

The system is designed as a 3U CubeSat of less than 500 kg, where a CubeSat or cubic satellite has dimensions 10 x 10 x 10 cm3 and the 3U version has one dimension of 30 cm. It is targeted for the deorbiting of space objects in low Earth orbit (LEO), the region up to around 2 000 km above the Earth. The DEORBIT SAIL system is expected to be useful for drag deorbiting up to 1 000 km and for deorbiting with solar radiation pressure above that height.

Based on modified solar sail technology, the solution comes in the form of a 4 x 4 m square consisting of 4 triangles supported by 4 relatively stiff structural booms. Deorbiting will be accomplished by drag on the deployable sail. The device will be complete with attitude determination and control as well as a communications link to a ground station.

During the previous year, scientists manufactured and tested both payload sub-systems, namely the deployable sail and the attitude and control system. Considerable effort has been devoted to the volume requirement in which the electronics, sail and booms must be accommodated. Having successfully tested the three-axis control system, the boom deployment system and the large cantilevered deployable solar panels, the team is now designing the flight model. Researchers anticipate launch of the DEORBIT SAIL satellite and orbital operations which will enable data collection and optimisation of final designs.

Recent estimates suggest that over 1 000 satellites will be launched in the next 9 years. Together with their launch vehicles, they represent a potential market of 2 000 eventual deorbiting devices.

Space law is imposing strict regulations on end-of-life obligations for satellite operators. DEORBIT SAIL is thus expected to make an important contribution to the competitiveness of satellite manufacturers and operators in addition to its obvious benefits in terms of protecting valuable space assets for all.

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