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EU-Japan Training programmes

The European Commission is encouraging European enterprises to penetrate the Japanese market. To this end it has put in place various promotional activities to further European exports to Japan and to maximise business opportunities there.

The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Co-operation, which was established in Tokyo in 1987 and in Brussels in 1996, organises:

Training programmes for EU managers (4/5 weeks):
Japan Industry Insight HRTP (12 May to 6 June or 13 June 2014) - provides an integrated in-depth view of Japanese industrial structure and business practices. It is targeted at managers who have a major role in defining and implementing their company’s policies in relation to Japan, or who are to be transferred to Japan, or who wish to be kept informed about management practices in Japan.

Deadline: 13 February 2014

Target participants are:
managers from industrial companies;
minimum of 5 to 10 years of professional experience in industry
good knowledge of English
be nationals of an EU Member State.
They must be presented by their employer and be able to guarantee their attendance for the entire programme.

Further details:


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