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Researchers suggest an enhanced method for the study of biological membranes

The cell membrane of most living beings is constituted of a lipid bilayer that separates the cell from its surroundings. Membranes also transport a myriad of components, such as drugs in the blood, detersive when we wash the dishes, and signal transduction in biosensors. Researchers can create lipid bilayers in vitro to investigate the physical and chemical processes that occur in biological membranes. There are several types of these model lipid bilayers, such as tethered Bilayer Lipid Membranes (tBLMs). These membranes offer a series of advantages that make them suitable for research: they have few defects, increase the stability of supported membranes, and are highly resistant to electricity. However they exhibit a number of deficiencies that could be overcome by investigating tBLMs further.

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