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Call for proposals "Preventing radicalisation to terrorism and violent extremism"

Νοε 20, 2014 12:39

The ISF Police Regulation sets out two specific objectives, respectively:
(i) crime prevention, combating cross-border, serious and organised crime including terrorism, and reinforcing coordination and cooperation between law enforcement authorities and other national authorities of Member States, including with Europol or other relevant Union bodies, and with relevant third countries and international organisations;

Call for proposals "Fighting Cybercrime and Child Sexual Abuse"

Νοε 11, 2014 15:51

The ISF Police Regulation sets out two specific objectives, respectively:
(i) crime prevention, combating cross-border, serious and organised crime including
terrorism, and reinforcing coordination and cooperation between law enforcement
authorities and other national authorities of Member States, including with Europol
or other relevant Union bodies, and with relevant third countries and international
(ii) enhancing the capacity of Member States and the Union for managing effectively

Call for proposals "Law Enforcement Information Exchange"

Νοε 11, 2014 15:50

Project applications submitted under the present Call for Proposals must address at least
one of the following priorities:
A) The establishment or streamlining of structures and methods for cross-border
information exchange in line with the recommendations of the European Information
Exchange Model (EIXM). This encompasses transnational projects or transnational projects
in cooperation with Europol1
or other relevant EU or international bodies, including pilot

Call for proposals MARE/2014/24: Guardians of the sea

Νοε 04, 2014 09:40

The purpose of this Action is to promote a better balance between the EU fishing fleet and the available fisheries resources and contribute to the reduction of the EU fishing fleet while at the same time preserving jobs in coastal communities. The Action should examine and demonstrate the feasibility and economic viability of maritime activities other than fishing, using a reassigned fishing vessel, which are carried out by fishermen and captains who have left fishing, thus making the best use of their knowledge, experience and expertise.


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