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Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα

Μέχρι τις 21 Ιουνίου οι αιτήσεις για τον StageTwo Accelerator στην Θεσσαλονίκη

Ιουν 11, 2018 09:12

Η εκκίνηση του StageTwo Accelerator, του προγράμματος επιτάχυνσης νεοφυών σχημάτων και εταιριών, έχει ήδη γίνει και οι οργανωτές που αποτελούν την ομάδα του Innovation Farm και την Atlantis Consulting έχουν αρχίσει ήδη να εξετάζουν τις πρώτες αιτήσεις.

Grant Acquisition – How to Produce a Winning Proposal

Ιουν 08, 2018 09:06

More and more researchers need to raise money for their research projects. But where to find funding bodies and how to convince them?

This workshop provides an overview about main funding schemes and a chance to learn the practical skills in putting a winning proposal together.

Using Social Entrepreneurship in Erasmus+ - USEE+

Ιουν 07, 2018 10:56

Training Course

4-10 November 2018 | Cyprus
The aim of this tc is to create awareness about social economy & social enterprises, appreciate the role of social entrepreneurship and inspire participants to create a vision where their passion and desire for change meets self-employability.

What does Gandhi have to do with social entrepreneurship?

Horizon 2020 Finance Academy

Ιουν 04, 2018 08:47

This brand-new 4-day training programme by Europa Media will provide a complete understanding of finances in Horizon 2020 to project administrators, accountants, CFOs, financial managers, grants offices, research managers, and all those in charge of budgeting H2020 proposals and administering and reporting H2020 projects.

Join Europa Media’s Horizon 2020 Finance Academy and get an all-round understanding of finances in H2020 from A to Z.


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