European Fund Management Consulting (EFMC) offers a 3-day H2020 practical training which is dedicated to the in-depth understanding of fundamentals of financial management of Horizon 2020 projects. Each day is divided into theoretical and practical parts with many opportunities for the participants to ask specific questions related to their businesses and clarifications of the outstanding issues.
The training is led by experienced former auditors of European Institutions.
European Fund Management Consulting (EFMC) offers a 3-day H2020 practical training which is dedicated to the in-depth understanding of fundamentals of financial management of Horizon 2020 projects. Each day is divided into theoretical and practical parts with many opportunities for the participants to ask specific questions related to their businesses and clarifications of the outstanding issues.
The training is led by experienced former auditors of European Institutions.
European Fund Management Consulting (EFMC) offers a 3-day H2020 practical training which is dedicated to the in-depth understanding of fundamentals of financial management of Horizon 2020 projects. Each day is divided into theoretical and practical parts with many opportunities for the participants to ask specific questions related to their businesses and clarifications of the outstanding issues.
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