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Consortium Agreement in Horizon 2020 projects in Spain

Μάιος 16, 2019 19:03

How to develop a Consortium Agreement in a Horizon 2020 project from the project management perspective?

The course will provide the participants with a sound understanding of the options for the scope and content of consortium agreements that can effectively complement the Grant Agreement in Horizon 2020 projects.

26 September 2019 - 26 September 2019
Barcelona, Spain

Consortium Agreement in Horizon 2020 projects

Μάιος 16, 2019 15:44

How to develop a Consortium Agreement in a Horizon 2020 project from the project management perspective?

The course will provide the participants with a sound understanding of the options for the scope and content of consortium agreements that can effectively complement the Grant Agreement in Horizon 2020 projects.

12 December 2019 - 12 December 2019
Vienna, Austria

Workshop: "Solar energy for a circular economy" in Belgium

Μάιος 16, 2019 15:24

SUNRISE is preparing a large-scale research initiative in the field of artificial photosynthesis as a sustainable alternative to the fossil-based, energy-intensive production of fuels and base chemicals. The energy required will be provided by sunlight. The Stakeholder Workshop, taking place during the EU Sustainable Energy Week, will open the floor for supporters to provide feedback on the S&T roadmap and governance of the future large-scale initiative and feature high-level speakers.

Δωρεάν Workshop "Εκπαίδευση Εκπαιδευτών στη χρήση Gamification για ανάπτυξη της επιχειρηματικότητας"

Μάιος 13, 2019 18:30

Είστε εκπαιδευτής νέων και ενδιαφέρεστε να αναπτύξετε την αίσθηση επιχειρηματικότητας στους εκπαιδευόμενους σας;
Θέλετε να παρακινήσετε τους εκπαιδευόμενους σας να συμμετέχουν ενεργά στην τάξη;
Θέλετε να μάθετε πώς μπορείτε να χρησιμοποιήσετε τεχνικές παιχνιδοποίησης για την ανάπτυξη της αίσθησης πρωτοβουλίας και επιχειρηματικότητας;


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