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Call for proposals: Statistics for Family Businesses

Απρ 16, 2015 14:49

The aim of this call is to provide policy-makers and stakeholders with credible, comparable and systematic information and indicators on the role of the family businesses in national economies. The projects selected should also support the development of statistics in countries which have not yet collected information on family business.

Development of a guidance document and technical assistance for public procurers for bio-based products

Απρ 16, 2015 14:34

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (henceforth "EASME") , acting under powers delegated by the European Commission, is launching this invitation to tender for the development of a guidance document to procurers in Europe for bio-based products. This guidance should be about encouraging the active exchange of information on bio-based products, allowing for future procurement criteria development based on available standards.

Grants by the International Fund for Promotion of Culture

Απρ 14, 2015 12:10

Are you an artist or creator? An NGO or a non-profit private or public body, whose activities contribute to the promotion of culture and artistic creation? If your project is compliant with the criteria indicated in the Operational Guidelines of the International Fund for the Promotion of Culture (IFPC), you can submit your project application and be considered in order to benefit from the financial support of the Fund. Eligible activities for receipt of assistance from the IFPC are:

URBACT III: Πρόσκληση υποβολής προτάσεων για τη σύσταση Δικτύων Πόλεων για Σχεδιασμό Δράσεων

Απρ 07, 2015 16:17

Σύμφωνα με το Επιχειρησιακό Πρόγραμμα URBACT III, το οποίο υιοθετήθηκε στις 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2014, το νέο πρόγραμμα UBACT III αποβλέπει στη βελτίωση του σχεδιασμού των αειφόρων αστικών στρατηγικών και σχεδίων δράσης στις πόλεις. Προς αυτήν την κατεύθυνση, το πρόγραμμα θα στηριχτεί στα διεθνικά δίκτυα πόλεων για το σχεδιασμό δράσεων.


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