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Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα

Horizon 2020 Proposal Writing Academy

Ιουλ 11, 2018 09:31

All you need to submit competitive proposals under Horizon 2020

– from identifying a call to grant agreement preparation
This brand new 3-day training course will provide a complete insight into writing and submitting competitive proposals in response to the last calls of Horizon 2020. The combination of practical presentations and hands-on workshops will introduce all aspects that you need to know from identifying the right call for your project idea to developing and submitting a competitive proposal.

Why participate in the Horizon 2020 Proposal Writing Academy?

EFMC Training Course "H2020 Participant Portal Training: Submission, Financial & Project Reporting" in Vienna on 22-23 November 2018

Ιουλ 11, 2018 09:26

European Fund Management Consulting (EFMC) offers a 2-day Participant Portal practical training. Participant Portal is the most important tool for finding information, preparing and submitting the proposal, and managing the contract of research & innovation projects under the EU Framework Programme. In this training you will learn how to use the tool efficiently.

EFMC Training Course "H2020 Participant Portal Training: Submission, Financial & Project Reporting" in Frankfurt on 27-28 September 2018

Ιουλ 09, 2018 09:08

European Fund Management Consulting (EFMC) offers a 2-day Participant Portal practical training. Participant Portal is the most important tool for finding information, preparing and submitting the proposal and managing the contract of research & innovation projects under the EU Framework Programme. In this training you will learn how to use the tool efficiently.

EFMC Training Course "H2020 Participant Portal Training: Submission, Financial & Project Reporting" in Brussels on 25-26 October 2018

Ιουλ 09, 2018 09:06

European Fund Management Consulting (EFMC) offers a 2-day Participant Portal practical training. Participant Portal is the most important tool for finding information, preparing and submitting the proposal and managing the contract of research & innovation projects under the EU Framework Programme. In this training you will learn how to use the tool efficiently.


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