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Εκπαιδευτικοί Φορείς

Fund Your Project with “Movies that Matter” Supportive Programme

Αυγ 22, 2014 09:17

Movies that Matter offers small grants and assistance to promote the screenings of human rights cinema worldwide. These events can take various forms, such as mobile cinema projects, human rights film festivals, travelling film festivals, outreach programmes, and educational activities at schools and universities.

Deadline: 15 September 2014

Read more:

London School of Economics Hellenic Observatory - Call for Research Project Proposals 2014

Αυγ 19, 2014 08:57

1. The Crisis and Gender
2. The Crisis and Political Extremism
3. Outward Migration from Greece during the Crisis

Entrepreneurship Education (Pan-European Entrepreneurial Learning Initiative)

Αυγ 16, 2014 09:02

The call for proposals - Entrepreneurship Education, aims to support a network and a virtual hub on entrepreneurial learning. Its members will act as promoters of entrepreneurship education at European level, helping to increase the exchange of information and good practice and to improve the coherency and synergies between the many initiatives taken nationally and regionally.


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