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A stroke rehabilitation device

Απρ 23, 2014 21:43

Currently, 1 in 500 people in Europe will suffer from stroke, and this number is expected to double in the next 50 years. Finding rehabilitation solutions for stroke patients could improve their physical recovery and overall quality of life.

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Life-cycle assessment for green buildings

Απρ 23, 2014 21:21

Life-cycle assessment (LCA) determines the environmental impact of a product, starting with the extraction and processing of raw material and ending with its disposal or recycling. An EU-funded initiative has developed operational guidelines for performing LCA on energy-efficient buildings.

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Evaluating clinical decision making

Απρ 23, 2014 21:19

An observational study set out to evaluate the vital aspects of clinical decisions making (CDM) during the care of patients with severe mental illness (SMI). The results were used to assess the impact of CDM on patient behaviour and short- and long-term treatment outcomes.

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Precast buildings during earthquakes

Απρ 23, 2014 21:18

Reinforced concrete precast constructions have been in use for over 50 years, but only limited research has been conducted into how they respond to earthquakes. An EU-funded initiative addressed this gap in knowledge.

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