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Towards more efficient CO2 capture

Σεπ 23, 2016 10:37

Existing methods to capture CO2 suffer from a series of drawbacks directly affecting their output. Aiming to improve the situation, Dr. Sonia Zulfiqar has been investigating the CO2 absorption capacity of new materials based on amide polymeric ionic liquids.

The NEURINOX Graphic Novel “Out of the blue” An innovative way to facilitate understanding neurodegenerative diseases

Σεπ 23, 2016 10:35

What more easy to read than a graphic novel for explaining the NEURINOX research. Moreover, the story is complemented by a lecture on the complexity of neurodegenerative diseases, given in layman language! Click on to discover this easy-to-read dissemination support tool.

On this occasion, we have issued a press release for our media partners that can be found at:

The NEURINOX Graphic Novel “Out of the blue”

High-tech and low-cost solutions to handle urban waste

Σεπ 23, 2016 10:33

Innovations in waste management systems need new regulations for the management of sustainable landfills

Low-cost interventions, big data analysis and new regulations on landfills are key factors for the smart management of waste in cities. There are several ongoing studies and trials underway across Europe, with both researchers and city planners looking for efficient solutions.

Gene expression indicates plants are adapting to increased CO2 levels

Σεπ 23, 2016 10:31

Research partly supported through the EU-funded EXPEER project has found that plants are increasingly adapting to increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), which could have important implications for global food security and nature conservation.

The research from the University of Southampton, UK, published recently in the journal ‘Global Change Biology’, shows that as plants are exposed to elevated CO2 emissions, gene expression is altered, indicating that changes in gene regulation could be a prominent mechanism underpinning adaption to elevated CO2.


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