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Applying shop floor knowledge to achieve better run factories

Οκτ 13, 2016 23:47

Innovative 3D simulation software enables plant managers to streamline factory operations and take into account the experience of workers themselves.

A highly skilled workforce – supported by advanced automation and IT tools – has enabled European industries to become leaders in fields ranging from car making to chemicals. In order to ensure that factories and assembly lines remain at the cutting edge in a highly competitive world, the EU-funded INTERACT project has sought to better utilise workers’ knowledge in the development of next generation digital tools.

Ελληνική ομάδα ανάμεσα στους νικητές του ClimateLaunchpad 2016!

Οκτ 13, 2016 23:45

Η Cryotap συγκαταλέγεται στις 10 κορυφαίες ιδέες πράσινης καινοτομίας σε ολόκληρη την Ευρώπη

Bio4Products: Creating sustainable resources for the process industry

Οκτ 13, 2016 23:43

The EU-funded research project Bio4Products aims to reduce the amount of fossil resources used in the manufacture of many essential products, creating truly sustainable value chains that will deliver significant environmental benefits.
Bio4Products: Creating sustainable resources for the process industry © Bio4Products

You want to find R&D partners easily and for free? Try the unique platform Labs Explorer.

Οκτ 13, 2016 23:40

Labs Explorer is a specialized search engine with more than 100 000 referenced labs. It is designed to find R&D partners for free, to help labs showcase their expertise and to sell their services.


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