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Orthotic device for tremor suppression

Απρ 25, 2014 13:12

Essential tremor (ET) is a neurological disease that typically causes an involuntary tremor in the hands and arms. Current treatments are not effective in severe cases and affects the quality of life of approximately 2 million Europeans.

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Online water monitoring

Απρ 25, 2014 13:01

Water-borne contaminations often lead to infectious diseases and underscore the importance of clean water. EU-funded scientists will introduce an online water monitoring system to expedite the process of microbial screening and improve the overall state of water supplies.

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New dawn for airport security

Απρ 25, 2014 13:00

An advanced airport security system that combines input from different sensors and technologies promises to revolutionise security for airports, aeroplanes and people.

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Possible eco-impacts of CO2 leakage

Απρ 25, 2014 13:00

Although scientists don't expect significant leakage of carbon dioxide (CO2) from large-scale carbon capture and storage projects, they have assessed the risks just in case. Using field experiments,observations of natural CO2 emissions and modelling, they have provided data to inform assessments of the possible impact of CO2 leakage on onshore and offshore ecosystems.

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