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Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα

Free Electrons Program

Ιαν 14, 2020 13:03

The Free Electrons program enables startups to work alongside ten energy utilities from around the globe to deliver cutting edge solutions and co-create the future of energy. The program will focus on working together to pilot projects, commercially deploy products and facilitate investment opportunities.

Web4Yes Training for Development of Entrepreneurial and Business Skills in Serbia

Ιαν 10, 2020 13:49

Deadline: 16 January 2020
Open to: individuals from age group of 25-30 years also registered at the Employment Office for at least 6 months
Benefits: a reward for the best Business Plan and certificates of participation

Training Course: "Creativity & Innovation" in Greece

Δεκ 16, 2019 20:04

Training Course: "Creativity & Innovation" in Greece
9-14 March 2020 | Athens, Greece

Young Global Changers Program

Νοε 02, 2019 18:24

The Young Global Changers program brings together young people from around the world who are working towards a global paradigm shift, combining their talents and together becoming a strong voice for change. Successful applicants will receive a full scholarship to participate in the Global Solutions Summer School and the Global Solutions Summit from April 17-22, 2020 in Berlin, Germany.


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