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Easy data recovery from the seabed

Απρ 25, 2014 13:24

Development of a new underwater vehicle to gather sensor data from the sea floor promises to make the process much more cost effective. Marine, climate and environmental research could benefit significantly from this initiative.

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Fast delivery of super-hard products

Απρ 25, 2014 13:23

High-performance materials for aerospace and automotive applications are difficult to machine, increasing production costs and energy consumption. Advances in tools and process technology will boost quality and productivity.

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Shortening product development cycles

Απρ 25, 2014 13:22

An EU project allows small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to better collaborate. It will help SMEs utilise cloud platforms to shorten product development cycles.

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Genetic testing for brood-spawning fish

Απρ 25, 2014 13:20

Selective breeding schemes in aquaculture are expensive and difficult to implement for mass-spawning fish species. However, recent research has developed a cost-effective way to improve the efficiency of selective breeding for these fish.

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