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The P.R.I.T.® lung model to test nanoparticle-based drugs

Μαρ 10, 2017 10:22

The German technology P.R.I.T.® with its air-liquid interface imitates lung behaviour. It is used for the first time to test a nanoparticle-based drug designed for inhalation.

Many studies require scientists to investigate effects of inhaled substances in lungs. One can think of studies related to smoking behaviours or urban pollution effects. Such studies are also needed for some drug development processes. For example, the PneumoNP project develops a drug made for inhalation. Toxicity is tested also by investigating lung reactions under drug exposure.

Growing new bone for more effective injury repair

Μαρ 10, 2017 10:21

Broken bones do not always repair fully, especially after major trauma such as a car accident. Complications can occur when the bone is broken in several places, the blood flow is reduced or infection sets in. Patients can suffer long-term from loss of income and disability.

There is significant demand for bone regeneration. Bone is the second most frequently transplanted tissue in Europe after blood, with about 1 million procedures annually. The worldwide market of bone replacement material is currently estimated at EUR 5 billion and is growing by 10 % each year.

OPIN is Growing: New Tools for eParticipation Projects

Μαρ 10, 2017 10:18

Bonn, 7th March 2017. OPIN is progressing: The second version of the eParticipation platform has been completed and will be tested in the forthcoming months by ten new pilot projects from all over Europe to improve it further and adapt it to the needs of the target group. Check out the new version of the digital toolbox OPIN and follow the development of the pilots! The platform now offers even more possibilities, with a new mapping tool, social features as well as further guidance and information for initiators. In May the first features will be open to everyone.

New process for manufacturing PV cells means cheaper solar power

Μαρ 10, 2017 10:17

An innovative dry etching method developed by EU-funded researchers could reduce the cost of manufacturing solar cells by up to 25 %.

A major roadblock to the mass use of solar energy are photovoltaic (PV) solar cells. This is because the cost, inefficiency and negative environmental impact that the manufacturing of these cells outweighs any potential savings provided by the resulting solar energy. If, however, cost could be were minimised, then solar power would be more able to compete with traditional fossil fuel-based methods for generating energy.


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