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Microwave technology improves the properties of grape-derived products

Αυγ 10, 2017 10:18

The WINESENSE project has successfully developed a novel extraction process for grape marc, resulting in higher polyphenol content. The consortium is already working on products for the cosmetics industry.

A wheeled robot to monitor grape growth

Αυγ 10, 2017 10:17

Just like great wine needs time, great grapes require continuous attention and reliable assessment tools. Noting the absence of a convincing alternative to manual sampling and analysis, an EU-funded consortium has developed VineRobot, an ‘Unmanned ground vehicle’ (UGV) equipped with non-invasive sensor technology.

Today, assessing the readiness of vine grapes for harvesting requires growers to sample hundreds of berries, with their eyes as the only tool they can rely on.

Web-based tool helps site operators choose the safest CO2 storage option

Αυγ 10, 2017 10:16

Before they can be licensed by public authorities and welcomed by the public, CO2 storage plans first need to be perceived as safe and reliable. A key concern in this regard is the prevention of CO2 leakage. Numerous options and strategies exist, but it’s not always easy to identify the most suitable one.

A new genetic progression measure for Huntington’s disease offers hope

Αυγ 10, 2017 10:15

Part-supported through the EU-funded NEUROMICS project, researchers have identified a novel measure of disease progression for Huntington’s disease that could help slow down the disease and better target future therapies.


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