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Ecocar: Ένα ελληνοκινεζικό, αμιγώς ηλεκτρικό αυτοκίνητο

Οκτ 12, 2017 13:14

Παρκάρει σε θέση ...κάδου, αφού το συνολικό πλάτος του δεν ξεπερνά το ύψος ενός οκτάχρονου παιδιού. Στοιχίζει όσο το πετρέλαιο θέρμανσης, που θα ξοδέψει ένα νοικοκυριό στο Νευροκόπι κατά τους μήνες της βαρυχειμωνιάς.

Ecocar: Ένα ελληνοκινεζικό, αμιγώς ηλεκτρικό αυτοκίνητο

The bacteria talk

Οκτ 12, 2017 06:10

A reverse engineering approach for reconstructing the language of genes

“Let’s start from the end. Our project will not really end in our lifetime”. Puzzling as it may sound, the statement comes from Sarah Goldberg, researcher at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, one of the leading scientific institutions in Israel. “Our objective is to uncover, at least partially, how functional elements of DNA interact with each other,” she tells

Rolling back the frontiers: new insights into how genes operate

Οκτ 12, 2017 06:09

Advances in the manner in which we can visualise the atomic structures of cells have been recognised in 2017 Nobel prize for chemistry. These increasingly powerful methods shine a light on how we are constructed and now the use of advanced super-resolution microscopy reveals aspects of the interrelation of the genes to the mechanisms which control them.

Trending Science: Cryo-electron microscopy captures life molecules and the Chemistry Nobel Prize

Οκτ 12, 2017 06:07

The 2017 Nobel Prize for Chemistry has gone to three scientists for their lasting work in the cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) field. The imaging techniques mark a significant breakthrough in atomic structures and biochemistry.


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