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16-18/03/2016 - MARSOL project workshop (Αθήνα)

Φεβ 24, 2016 10:17

The EU-funded MARSOL project will host a workshop on ‘Investigation and Monitoring of MAR Sites’ in Athens, Greece, from 16 to 18 March 2016.

Further information:

31/08-02/09/2016 - 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (Salzburg, Austria)

Φεβ 22, 2016 09:40

SECPID 2016 Workshop on Security, Privacy, and Identity Management in the Cloud to be held in conjunction with the ARES EU Projects Symposium 2016, held at the 11th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security from August 31 to September 2, 2016, in Salzburg, Austria.

Further information:

27-30/09/2016 - 5th International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management “CRETE 2016” (Χανιά)

Φεβ 19, 2016 10:32

The International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management “CRETE 2016”
will be held in September 27th – 30th, 2016 at Chania (Crete, Greece) for the fifth time.

Further information:

05-06/07/2016 - MOCO'16: 3rd International Workshop on Movement and Computing (Thessaloniki)

Φεβ 17, 2016 13:21

The vision of MOCO'16 is to bring together academics, researchers, engineers, designers, technologists, technocrats, creative artists, anthropologists, museologists, ergonomists and other practitioners interested in the phenomenon of the symbiosis between the human and the creative process, e.g. dancer-digital medias, musician-instrument, craftsman-object etc. This symbiosis takes the form of an interactional and gravitational relationship, where the human element is both a trigger and a transmitter, connecting perception (mind/environment interaction and cognition), knowledge (theoretical understanding of a process) and gesture (semantic motor skills). MOCO'16 invites researchers that have experiences of capturing the combined key elements of perception, knowledge and gesture/movement. MOCO'16 will be of interest to artists who work on the elucidation of the intersection between art, meaning cognition and technology by unlocking the hidden components in human creativity. The workshop also provides a forum for industrial partners, for whom the movement and gestures of the workers/operators consist of key elements in terms of ergonomics and health, to see and present state-of-the-art technologies.

A key feature of the MOCO'16 Workshop will be to open some of its demonstrations and artistic activities to the public-at-large in order to provide this extended audience with the opportunity to be informed about current scientific issues and topics by experts in an informal setting.

Suggested Topics

Movement in Digital and Performing Arts, which focus on the use and interaction between arts and movement in the following domains: music, dance, song, graffiti, painting etc..
Technical and Craftsmanship Gestures, highlighting the importance of gestures in the professional context, whether technical or cultural.
Interaction, Communication and Design of User Experience, which put the emphasis on gestures and movement as interfaces between humans and machines.
Analysis and Modelling, centred on the use of mathematical, statistical or methodological tools for a better understanding of gestures and movement.

Further details:


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