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Parallel processing in desktop computers

Μάιος 16, 2014 11:43

An EU-funded project is turning ordinary computers into parallel processing machines. It will mean a performance improvement and better product development.

Some European small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) feel that the quality of their products suffers because of a lack of computing power. The proposed solution is to develop a system for converting normal computers into parallel processing computers.

For further information:

Policy in support of health equity

Μάιος 09, 2014 13:35

Researchers on the SOPHIE project are generating new evidence on the effectiveness of structural policies for reducing health inequalities in Europe. They also aim to develop innovative methodologies for evaluating these policies at local, national and European levels.

Further information:

Stem cells: the key to tackling degenerative muscle disease

Μάιος 09, 2014 13:34

EU-funded research suggests that the manipulation of stem cells could help to repair damaged muscle tissue. Given the wide range of age-related and degenerative diseases that affect our society today, this could represent a significant breakthrough in healthcare.

Further information:

Feature Stories - Opening Up a Universe of Employment Possibilities

Μάιος 07, 2014 11:13

Nearly a quarter of Europe’s adults under 25 are not in education, employment or training. These so-called NEETs are struggling to get on the first step of the employment ladder in this harsh economic climate. Young adults say that they need more confidence to get through job interviews but, with opportunities so scarce, they often go into interviews feeling nervous and underprepared. Now an EU-funded research project that uses virtual reality is helping to change that.


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