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Trending Science: Flexible electronics for implants

Μάιος 16, 2014 12:11

Microchip implants in the human body have been in the popular imagination for decades. Sci-fi authors often picture these as devices enhancing human capabilities - with the Matrix trilogy being an obvious example - whilst society seems to be slowly moving in that direction too. Electronics first appeared in our home, then in our pockets, and now major companies are starting to compete for the number one spot in the emerging market of wearable electronics.

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A new World Wide Web strictly for robots

Μάιος 16, 2014 12:09

To date, each robot constructed needs to be programmed, or go through its own learning process from scratch. New robots are like newborn babies who need the humans creating them to teach them everything, or learn gradually themselves. However, this could all change. Thanks to ROBOEARTH, robots will soon be able to share knowledge with their peers almost instantly instead of 'living' in a bubble.

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Networking the sky with new aircraft communication technology

Μάιος 16, 2014 12:07

Air transportation is expected to at least double by 2050. Coping with these needs and the resulting overcrowded sky requires top-notch communication technologies - but the sector is not quite ready yet. The SANDRA project set out to improve aircraft by means of a coherent digital architecture.

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Building a robot to mimic plants

Μάιος 16, 2014 12:04

Many of us probably picture robots as roughly human-shaped - as seen in countless science fiction films - or perhaps as little more than mobile computers. But one EU-funded project is taking inspiration from the smart, efficient strategies of plants in order to develop a new generation of robots and ICT technologies, such as sensing or distributed adaptive intelligence.

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