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Neurobiology of eating disorders

Οκτ 25, 2013 12:28

Eating behaviour has been studied by an international team with experts from seven European countries. The major conclusion is that in humans no specific food causes an addiction.

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New collaborative tools for online learning

Οκτ 25, 2013 12:27

Online courses have opened up educational opportunities on a massive scale and the scope for further innovation is enormous. Thanks to the work done by an EU-funded project, students can now collaborate with their fellow learners and access relevant information while outside the classroom.

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New tests and treatment for attention disorders

Οκτ 25, 2013 12:26

Thousands of people across the world are affected by attention disorders. New research is developing improved testing methods for attentiveness, which should shed light on brain function in these disorders.

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Targeted pain therapy

Οκτ 25, 2013 12:24

Pain is largely mediated through protein receptors on cell surfaces. The EU and United States have collaborated to investigate in detail the structure of a pain receptor for targeted pain therapy.

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