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18-19/05/2017 - REFRESH Food Waste 2017 Conference (Berlin, Germany)

Φεβ 06, 2017 15:06

The EU-funded REFRESH project will be hosting its multi-stakeholder conference at the Umweltforum in Berlin, Germany, on 18 to 19 May 2017.

Further information:

08-10/06/2017 - 6th International Symposium & 28th National Conference on Operational Research (Θεσσαλονίκη)

Φεβ 02, 2017 10:39

The 6th International Symposium & 28th National Conference on Operational Research will be held at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, Greece, June 8-10, 2017. The conference will be co-organized by the Department of Applied Informatics of the University of Macedonia and the Hellenic Operational Research Society (HELORS).

Further information:

07/02/2017 - 2nd WaterInnEU Marketplace E-Pitch Event (Διαδίκτυο)

Φεβ 02, 2017 10:37

Book your slot now for the next on line E-Pitch event from the WaterInnEU Marketplace – a 1 hour session at 14h CET on Tuesday 7th February. Four new companies from across Europe will be presenting their innovations with specific relevance to River Basin Management. They are seeking a combination of development partners, demonstration sites and commercial sales. Registration link:

Further information:

05-07/04/2017 - Risc-Kit Consortium Final Conference (Delft, Netherlands)

Φεβ 02, 2017 10:22

The RISC-KIT Consortium will host a special final conference event to mark the end of the project to discuss the latest developments in the area of coastal storm preparedness and disaster risk reduction.
The conference is scheduled to take place in Delft, Netherlands, from 5 to 7 April 2017.

Further information:


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