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11-15/06/2018 - Future Match at CEBIT 2018 (Hannover, Germany)

Απρ 16, 2018 08:53

International brokerage event for the ICT sector
Experience digital transformation in science and business
The Enterprise Europe Network Niedersachsen is organizing the international brokerage event Future Match at CEBIT in Hannover/Germany for the 20th time.

Future Match offers participants the opportunity to meet new international cooperation and business partners for joint research projects, business ideas and technology transfer in pre-scheduled meetings at CEBIT.

The matchmaking event is aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), start-ups and scientists from universities and research institutions in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT) who would like to offer their solutions, technologies or expertise to new potential partners.

Main topics & trends
- Artificial Intelligence
- Augmented & Virtual Reality
- Big Data & Cloud
- Blockchain
- Business Electronics & Equipment
- Commerce & Banking
- Communication & Networks - ECM, Input / Output Solutions
- ERP & HR Solutions
- Future Mobility
- Humanoid Robots
- Internet of Things
- Security
- Unmanned Systems & Drones

Not an IT expert?
Interested parties from non ICT sectors and disciplines such as medicine, transport, logistics or also from the humanities and social sciences who are looking for IT solutions or partners for interdisciplinary cooperation can participate free of charge.

Future Match takes place from 12th to 15th of June in Hannover, CEBIT fairground in Hall 16, Stand D18.

Registration is open until June 4, 2018.

Registration fee is 110,00 € (+ 19% VAT) - confirmed CEBIT 2018 exhibitors get a 50% dis-count. The participation includes one CEBIT ticket.

Further information:

19/04/2018 - 14o Athens Tax Forum (Αθήνα)

Απρ 12, 2018 09:11

Το Ελληνο-Aμερικανικό Εμπορικό Επιμελητήριο διοργανώνει την Πέμπτη 19 Απριλίου 2018, στο ξενοδοχείο Athenaeum InterContinental, το 14o Athens Tax Forum με τον επίκαιρο τίτλο: «Απόδοση Φορολογικής Πολιτικής σε Περιβάλλον Παραοικονομίας».

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες:

05-10/07/2018 - ChangemakerXchange for Cultural Diversity and Dialogue Summit (Amsterdam, Netherlands)

Απρ 12, 2018 09:08

The ChangemakerXchange for Cultural Diversity and Dialogue Summit will take place in Amsterdam, Netherlands, from 5 to 10 July 2018.

Further information:

19-21/04/2018 - 2ο Συνέδριο Ποιότητας Ελαιoλάδου (Κατάκολο)

Απρ 12, 2018 09:05

Στις εγκαταστάσεις του ξενοδοχείου «Οδυσσέας» στο Κατάκολο θα πραγματοποιηθεί το 2ο Συνέδριο Ποιότητας Ελαιoλάδου το τριήμερο από 19 έως 21 Απριλίου, το οποίο τελεί υπό την αιγίδα του Υπουργείου Οικονομίας & Ανάπτυξης.

Περισσότερες πληροφορίες:


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