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06-07/02/2019 - Rewise Conference (Διαδίκτυο)

Φεβ 05, 2019 18:26

Ξεκινά το συνέδριο online Re:Wise με θέμα το e-commerce και τις retail Startups. Το ενδιαφέρον με την συγκεκριμένη εκδήλωση είναι ότι προσφέρει μια πληθώρα ειδικών – ομιλητών και είναι δωρεάν.

06-07/02/2019 - Rewise Conference (Διαδίκτυο)

28-29/05/2019 - 5th Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum (Athens)

Φεβ 05, 2019 01:20

5th Posidonia Sea Tourism Forum
28-29 May 2019, Domotel Kastri Conference Center, Athens, Greece

18-20/092019 - Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment (Τhessaloniki)

Φεβ 04, 2019 15:50

The EuroMed Academy of Business announces its 12th Annual Conference: Business Management Theories and Practices in a Dynamic Competitive Environment
Thessaloniki, Greece
September 18th - 20th, 2019

Further details in the attached file.

26/03/2019 - Are EU SME policies fit for the new challenges? The regional perspective (Brussels, Belgium)

Φεβ 04, 2019 15:27

CoR-OECD conference and annual meeting of the EER regions

"Are EU SME policies fit for the new challenges? The regional perspective"

Tuesday 26 March 2019 - 09:30-16:15
European Committee of the Regions, Rue Belliard 99-101,
1040 Brussels | Room JDE 52 and Atrium 5

Further details:
26/03/2019 - Are EU SME policies fit for the new challenges? The regional perspective (Brussels, Belgium)


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