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Impact of nanoparticles on aquatic environments

Ιουν 11, 2013 13:44

Nanoparticles are rapidly becoming vital components of cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, sensors and other commercial products, so we need to know their impact on the environment. An EU-funded project has gained insight into the behaviour of these materials in aquatic systems in particular.

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Nanomaterials in tandem with solar power

Ιουν 11, 2013 13:42

Advanced nano-structured materials are being used to make solar cells that can convert much more of the Sun's energy into electricity. This development will help the EU towards achieving its ambitious goals of cutting carbon dioxide (C02) emissions.

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Feature Stories -Perfect skin: more touchy-feely robots

Ιουν 11, 2013 13:41

Robots could become a lot more 'sensitive' thanks to new artificial skins and sensor technologies developed by European scientists. Leading to better robotic platforms that could one day be used in industry, hospitals and even at home.

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Therapy for alpha-mannosidosis

Ιουν 11, 2013 13:35

In diseases where the lack of an enzyme has pathological consequences, enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) often ameliorates the disease phenotype. EU research has used an enzyme approach for the devastating disease, alpha-mannosidosis.

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