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Modelling the impact of climate change on water

Ιουν 14, 2013 10:22

Climate changes such as rising temperatures, prolonged droughts and extreme precipitation are expected to exert strong environmental impacts in many regions, including mountainous ones. A large consortium is developing advanced models to quantify and predict the impact of climate change primarily on surface waters.

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Smarter use of resources for better healthcare

Ιουν 14, 2013 10:16

Researchers are developing ways to improve the quality of healthcare in Europe.
Often, spending more on healthcare does not result in improved the health services' quality, effectiveness and access. Resources that have been wasted through poor management are no longer available to buy drugs and new equipment, or to shorten waiting lists.

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The EU keeps an eye on the sky

Ιουν 14, 2013 10:15

Satellites and space debris in space must be closely monitored to maintain security and ensure seamless communication technology.

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Making better use of natural gas

Ιουν 14, 2013 10:11

The conversion of natural gas to liquid fuel is a promising way to relieve dependence on decreasing fossil fuel reserves. EU-funded scientists are developing inexpensive and efficient ways to do so.

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