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Quality control in the manufacturing cycle

Ιουν 27, 2013 10:56

Up to eighty geometric features, such as radial and axial runout, width and diameter, relevant to vehicles wheels’ function are inspected before they are launched on the market. These have usually been inspected randomly with tactile measurement and under laboratory conditions away from the production line – for instance, in a room adjacent to the production floor. The procedure takes up to approximately forty-five to sixty minutes per wheel, thus making it impossible to inspect 100 percent of the wheels produced. Defects and their causes are detected and rectified only with some delay.

OLED brings out the shine

Ιουν 27, 2013 10:55

The age of the good old cathode ray tube has long since passed. According to the German Federal Statistics Office, by 2011, almost every other German household had a flat screen television.

Glove shows its true colors

Ιουν 27, 2013 10:53

Employees in chemical production, the semiconductor industry or in laboratories are frequently exposed to harmful substances. The problem: Many of these aggressive substances are imperceptible to human senses, which makes handling them so risky. That’s why there is a broad range of solutions that employers can use to protect their staff from hazardous substances – from highly sensitive measuring equipment to heat imaging cameras. Soon, this spectrum will be enhanced by one more clever solution that is easy to handle, and that dispenses with a power supply.

Researchers from the University of Oviedo design an advanced system for the evaluation of victims of disasters

Ιουν 27, 2013 10:51

Experts of the Unit of Emergency and Disaster Research of the Department of Medicine of the University of Oviedo have designed the first advanced system for the classification of victims of disasters. The Advanced Triage Outpatient Model (META in Spanish) is a medicalized or advanced protocol. In other words, it is a system that has been specifically designed for the professionals of Medicine. Up until now, qualified healthcare staff employed other basic systems that did not take full advantage of the knowledge of the specialists.


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