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Easier, more convenient cancer treatment for children

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:05

A new oral liquid formulation of two medicines has been developed in a ground-breaking EU-funded study. These medicines are used for the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, the first cause of cancer in children.

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Integrated modelling for aircraft

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:03

The use of computers in modelling has become indispensable in virtually all fields, and aircraft manufacture is no exception. EU funded scientists are enabling the automated integration of different models for important cost and time savings.

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Paradise in Europe for the psychosocially challenged

Ιουλ 02, 2013 12:01

PARADISE is a 3-year project with collaboration from 10 institutions in Europe. It focuses on a novel clinical data collection and analysis approach to address and treat psychosocial difficulties faced by people with different brain and neurological disorders.

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Fishy business

Ιουλ 02, 2013 11:59

European citizens may soon have access to higher quality carp at lower cost for the dinner table. This will be thanks to upgrades in the research capabilities of an important Serbian institute engaged in aquaculture.

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