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Predicting the behaviour of future nuclear reactors

Ιουλ 03, 2013 09:36

Although concepts for the next generation of nuclear reactors have been identified, the actual design requires innovative numerical codes for modelling complex system behaviours.

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Biodefence of the phytoplankton

Ιουλ 03, 2013 09:35

Plankton behaviour and availability determines the survival of the entire marine ecosystem. The LIDPOP project identified dramatic changes in both morphology and behaviour in phytoplankton in response to grazers.

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Platooning lets the 'road train' take the strain

Ιουλ 03, 2013 09:31

Long car journeys no longer need be a bore as new technology developed by an EU-funded initiative allows tired and stressed drivers to relax or catch up on their emails, while someone else controls the vehicle on their behalf.

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Uniting research on life in extreme environments

Ιουλ 03, 2013 09:28

Extreme environments have been exploited for mineral products and biotechnological products from their biological communities. To support related research in Europe, an EU-funded initiative provided scientists in the field with exchange of knowledge and networking opportunities.

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