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06/09/2019 - Southeast Europe Energy Forum (Thessaloniki)

Αυγ 22, 2019 22:00

The American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, in cooperation with the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics and in partnership with the Atlantic Council, is holding the Southeast Europe Energy Forum on Friday, September 6, 2019 at the MET Hotel in Thessaloniki, Greece.

The Southeast Europe Energy Forum will bring together key policy makers, regulators, top market players, financiers, academics and experts to present and discuss unique insights and observations on up-to-date topics in the dynamic energy field in Greece and the wider region.

Further details:

09-11/10/2019 - 12th International Scientific Conference on Energy and Climate Change (Αthens)

Αυγ 21, 2019 10:24

The 12th International Conference on “Energy and Climate Change” will take place at the “Kostis Palamas” building of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, on 9-11 October 2019, in Athens, Greece and is set under the auspices of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation Organization and the United Nations Academic Impact initiative.

Further details:

14-18/10/2019 - European Big Data Value Forum (Finland)

Αυγ 08, 2019 19:00

The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) is the main event of the European big data and data-driven AI research and innovation community. Organised this year in collaboration with the European Commission and VTT as the main local organiser, EBDVF2019 is dedicated to the theme ‘Artificial Intelligence and Big Data transforming Business and Society’.

14-18/10/2019 - European Big Data Value Forum (Finland)


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