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Εκπαιδευτικό Πρόγραμμα

Horizon 2020 Master of Finance and Administration (Spain)

Ιουν 12, 2017 09:30

This 2-day training course provides a complete insight into the financial management and administration of Horizon 2020 projects. It will help you ensure that the day-to-day bookkeeping as well as the periodic and financial reports of your H2020 projects are sound and fully conform with the requirements of the H2020 Grant Agreement.

27-28 September 2017 in Barcelona, Spain

Venue: Olivia Balmes Hotel Barcelona

Why participate in the "H2020 – Master of Finance and Administration" course?

1. Trainers are actual Project Managers and Coordinators

Horizon 2020 Master of Finance and Administration and EC Audits (Spain)

Ιουν 12, 2017 09:17

Get a full insight into the administration, financial management and EC audits of Horizon 2020 projects with an additional full-day EC audits workshop.
Horizon 2020 Master of Finance and Administration and EC Audits

Horizon 2020 Project Management and Financial Reporting (Germany)

Ιουν 12, 2017 09:16

From 2017-10-19 to 2017-10-20, Germany
How to manage your EU-funded research and innovation project in the most efficient way?

Why participate in the "Horizon 2020 Project Management and Financial Reporting" course?

Get a practical insight into:

- Avoiding financial mismanagement in your Horizon 2020 project;
- Drafting a sound consortium agreement and handling IPR issues;
- Putting together periodic and final reports;
-Getting prepared for technical reviews and EC audits.

Horizon 2020 Master of Finance and Administration (Netherlands)

Ιουν 12, 2017 09:12

Get a full insight into the administration, financial management and introduction to EC audits of Horizon 2020 projects.

Date: 14-15 November 2017
Location: Science Center NEMO, Amsterdam

This 2-day training course provides a complete insight into the financial management and administration of Horizon 2020 projects. It will help you ensure that the day-to-day bookkeeping as well as the periodic and financial reports of your H2020 projects are sound and fully conform with the requirements of the H2020 Grant Agreement.


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