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03/01/2018 - Προθεσμία Αιτήσεων | WFP’s Innovation Accelerator (Γερμανία)

Δεκ 19, 2017 13:15

WFP’s Innovation Accelerator identifies nurtures and scales bold solutions to hunger globally. WFP support WFP innovators and external start-ups and companies through financial support, access to a network of experts and a global field reach.

The Accelerator believes the way forward in the fight against hunger is not necessarily in building grand plans, but identifying and testing solutions in an agile way. It is a space where the world can find out what works and what doesn’t in addressing hunger – a place where WFP can be bold, and fail as well as succeed.


Διήμερο Φεστιβάλ Εφήβων «SnapBiz by BusinessCool»

Δεκ 16, 2017 12:40

Η BusinessCool ξεκινά δυναμικά το 2018 διοργανώνοντας στις 3 & 4 Ιανουαρίου 2018 το πρώτο Διήμερο Φεστιβάλ Επιχειρηματικότητας Εφήβων, SnapBiz by BusinessCool, στο Κτήμα Ιγγλέση, με 6 βιωματικά σεμινάρια, διάρκειας 3 ωρών το καθένα, με πρωτότυπα και βιωματικά παιχνίδια και πολλή διασκέδαση. Για εγγραφές στα σεμινάρια επισκεφτείτε το λινκ εδώ.

Training course in French language "Financial Management of Horizon 2020 Projects" in Brussels 21-23 March 2017

Δεκ 06, 2017 21:11

Comparing to other Horizon 2020 courses this training is led by experienced former auditors of European Institutions. Three day H2020 practical training is dedicated to the in-depth understanding of fundamentals of financial management of Horizon 2020 projects. On the last day of the training course (the 3rd day) special attention will be given to how you can prepare and deal with an audit, the day is set to give an in-depth understanding of not-so-common aspects.

Training Course “Funding opportunities for projects in the field of social sciences and humanities” (Turin, 25-26 January 2018)

Δεκ 06, 2017 21:09

This course aims at providing tools for finding and successfully participating in calls for proposals in the field of social sciences and humanities. The eligibility criteria of each funding opportunity and the structure of proposal forms will be illustrated; besides, practical advice will be given to elaborate successful proposals. A complete dossier in electronic and paper format will also be provided, with complete details on each funding programme.
This course will deal mainly with the following programmes:
Horizon 2020:


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