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Optimising the benefits of digital libraries

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:32

New software solutions make searching digital libraries easier and more productive.

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Designing Europe's low-carbon energy diet

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:31

To mitigate the effects of climate change, protect the environment, boost energy security and enhance economic competitiveness, the EU needs to switch to a low-carbon economy. A European project is studying ways of managing this transition through bottom-up stakeholder involvement.

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Nanoresonators for high-sensitivity mass detection

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:30

Detecting a mass equivalent to that of a single proton is now possible for the first time. To achieve this, European scientists used exceptionally light mechanical resonators made from single carbon nanotubes.

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How to finance a Geothermal power plant in Europe

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:29

Among all renewable energies, geothermal is the most reliable. With a load factor of more than 90%, the fact that it can produce a steady output around the clock makes geothermal power competitive with newly built conventional power plants, in areas where high-temperature hydrothermal resources are available.

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