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Improved hydrogen-powered heat and electricity for homes

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:37

Some homeowners have already invested in units that produce hydrogen through water electrolysis so as to produce electricity and heat without boilers. Enhanced electrolysis should increase efficiency and decrease costs for greater uptake.

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The heir to the silicon throne

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:36

A large consortium is developing silicon carbide (SiC) technology poised to pick up where silicon (Si) leaves off in terms of performance and operating conditions. Additional benefits include reduced energy consumption and emissions.

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Underground repository technology research

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:34

The vision of the leading radioactive waste management organisations (WMO) in Europe is that by 2025 they will have the first geological repositories for long-lived high-level radioactive waste operating safely in Europe. The WMOs from Finland, France, Sweden and Switzerland came together under the auspices of an EU-funded project with the aim of taking the next step in achieving these repositories.

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Applying logic to uncertainty

Δεκ 02, 2013 14:34

Over 40 researchers from Europe and South America are teaming up to look at new directions in the mathematical field of many-valued logic. Attracting growing interest in recent years, the effort will systematise study in this area and look at potential applications.

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