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Development of a 'universal' influenza vaccine underway in Europe

Δεκ 10, 2013 18:46

A newly launched European project is set to take a major step toward the development of a universal flu vaccine. It aims to counter the emergence of new strains and seasonal epidemics

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Fostering Internet innovation

Δεκ 10, 2013 18:45

The Internet has become a victim of its own success - its size and scope makes further development very difficult, holding back innovation. Changes to improve today's Internet or to add new services have to be introduced slowly, in an incremental manner, with even minor changes only being made through the accretion of point solutions that embed knowledge in the network, optimising today's applications at the expense of tomorrow's.

Protecting archaeological sites from wild fire and extreme weather

Δεκ 10, 2013 18:43

Fire and extreme weather remain one of the major threats to archaeological sites. But a European collaboration has developed a warning system to protect our cultural heritage. In fact, last year it helped to save the ancient city of Rhodiapolis, in the Antalya region of Turkey, which escaped a wild fire.

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«Έξυπνα» γάντια για χρήση οθονών αφής

Δεκ 08, 2013 23:10

Όσο και αν έχουν εξελιχθεί οι οθόνες αφής, προϋποθέτουν το ακάλυπτο δάκτυλο του χρήστη για να λειτουργήσουν – και αυτό μπορεί να είναι πρόβλημα υπό «χειμωνιάτικες» συνθήκες χαμηλών θερμοκρασιών, καθώς η χρήση smartphone ή tablet με γάντια είναι από δύσκολη έως ακατόρθωτη.


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