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Developing safe and effective drugs to relieve chronic pain in kids

Δεκ 10, 2013 18:50

An EU-funded project that aims to improve the quality of life of children affected by chronic pain - who in most cases are treated with drugs that lack commercial authorisation - has just been launched. GAPP (GAbapentin in Paediatric Pain), which involves nine different countries from within and outside the EU, is the first international project to fully tackle this issue.

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Turning agriculture and aquaculture waste into renewable energy

Δεκ 10, 2013 18:49

An innovative new three-year research project will see the aquaculture, agriculture and biogas sectors working together to develop renewable energy. The initiative demonstrates how improving sustainability, reducing waste and achieving operational efficiencies can be achieved simultaneously.

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Building global biodiversity knowledge through open access data

Δεκ 10, 2013 18:48

An open-access platform to enable the integration of European and Brazilian biodiversity research tools has been developed through an EU-funded programme. The EUBRAZILOPENBIO (EU-Brazil Open Data and Cloud Computing e-Infrastructure for Biodiversity) project, which was completed earlier this year, will help promote cross-border innovation and the sharing of best practice in a vitally important field of research.

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Study establishes genetic factors behind radiation-induced thyroid cancer

Δεκ 10, 2013 18:47

Scientists have long sought to determine whether heredity is one of the factors responsible for increased risk of thyroid cancer, but their results have been inconclusive... until now.

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