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New source of stem cells

Δεκ 10, 2013 19:14

There is a lack of systematic study on the different aspects of adipose-derived stem cell (ADSC) biology. The ADIPOA consortium is enabling a complex investigation of adult stem cells (ASCs) with a view to facilitating the translation of results to the clinical setting.

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New surveillance methods for ageing nuclear reactors

Δεκ 10, 2013 19:13

Scientists are conducting careful microstructural analyses of highly irradiated nuclear reactor materials. Outcomes will inform predictive tools, codes and standards for ageing nuclear power plants and new ones under construction.

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Lifestyle and gestational diabetes

Δεκ 10, 2013 19:12

Research indicates that onset of glucose intolerance during pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), contributes to the current type 2 diabetes (T2D) epidemic in developed countries. A European project is paving the way for a holistic strategy to prevent GDM.

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Miniaturisation expands capacity of future space exploration missions

Δεκ 10, 2013 19:10

European researchers are developing low-weight navigation tools for future space exploration missions. Combining hybrid sensors with micro- and nanotechnologies, the innovative systems will enable unmanned vehicles to bring samples from space bodies back to Earth.

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