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Defending against electromagnetic attacks

Δεκ 10, 2013 23:09

Electromagnetic fields can interfere with or damage electronic devices. Electromagnetic radiation is invisible to people. A new measuring instrument can now determine the strength, frequency, and direction of the attack.

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EU funds SPLENDID: High Tech Sensors Teach Children How to Eat and Be Active

Δεκ 10, 2013 23:08

The EU has tasked the SPLENDID group to develop a system providing personal behavioural guidance to children and young adults, aiming at helping them adopt healthier lifestyles. SPLENDID’s goal, says Professor Anastasios Delopoulos, coordinator of SPLENDID, “is to identify individuals at risk of developing obesity or eating disorders and guide them towards healthy eating and physical activity, thus preventing the onset of food-related problems”. The SPLENDID system will record and change behaviour, through immediate feedback.

Elucidating structure of intra-membrane proteases

Δεκ 10, 2013 23:07

Unveiling the enzymatic activity of proteins requires the identification of substrate binding domains and conformational changes incurred during the reaction. This necessitates delineation of the 3D protein structure, which is experimentally achieved through crystallography.

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Insights into the brain chemistry of good behaviour

Δεκ 10, 2013 23:06

An EU-funded project is currently investigating the relationship between dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT), and how these hormones enable appropriate behaviour.

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