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Nano-electromechanical systems for mass detection

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:27

Mechanical nanoresonators are miniaturised planks clamped at both ends whose vibration patterns change when tiny masses 'fall' on them. Scientists exploited nanoresonators in novel device configurations with exciting results.

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Ecological competition affects animal signalling

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:26

Classical ecological and evolutionary theory subscribe to the concept that related species display character divergence such as varying beak sizeto facilitate coexistence in a habitat. The findings from the EU-funded AVIAN COMPETITION project demonstrate just the opposite in the Hypocnemis antbirds of the Amazon rainforest.

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Security services from satellites

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:25

An EU project has developed imaging services based on satellite data. These will aid security and intelligence applications.

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Digesting plant cell walls for biofuel production

Δεκ 23, 2013 16:24

Releasing tightly bound carbohydrates from biomass will facilitate efficient biofuel production. Scientists deleted and inserted DNA into gene sequences that code for degradative enzymes to develop novel and improved functionalities.

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